Blue Aventurine Forum


Blue Aventurine Forum

(Please note, the Forum is no longer available. Thank you to all who have participated in the conversations.)

To help build the family on the forum…
There is an announcement throughout the pages which reads:
From now till the end of April, participate with 8 substantial posts and be rewarded! Once you reach 8 posts, you will be contacted by the admin for an energy session or shamanic journey as a thank you. Please note, sessions can be done remotely and are for entertainment only of course.

Go ahead and take a look, perhaps register and take advantage of the offer. Some good stuff on the forum. Create a good habit and visit often!

Shaman, Shamanism, Shamanship, Shamanhood.


If anything in the metaphysical realm calls to me, it is the natural influence and magical aspects of all the ancestral shamanism. A quick wikipedia explanation of shamanism, “is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.”


Because of my background and current path, I would be considered a neoshaman, especially from those taking the tradition very seriously. I’ve never been in the physical presents of an actual shaman but I do consider some people I know shamans even though they would fall under the title of neoshaman. A friend of mine (shaman by my standards) has developed a type of healing practice I was fortunate to experience a few months ago. The next day after the session was of a feeling I haven’t had since I was a child. The feeling was of happiness, pure joy and elation. No pills, no smoking anything, no drinking and no hypnotism. He and his partner called on the spirits of nature and mixed their influence with what they deem to be true and shifted my energy for the positive.




Some of my favorite parts of shamanship is the bond with nature. I have always said hello to the trees, rocks, even the  weather. Now in my adulthood, the greetings and communications are less playful. The changes in talks seem to want to teach or share wisdom from another level of existence. To me, the voices I hear are linked to a source that don’t seem to have vocal cords. In my opinion, the other beings work really hard to get their voice to me. Psychokinesisis another way of explaining the influx of energy waves changed into sounds that I can comprehend. The skeptic in me wonders how people who claim to converse with nature can hear the same thing despite speaking a different language? Is it that German trees talk in German because it’s their native land or is it the trees are so smart and wise they can communicate in every known language? Regardless, I believe I can talk to living things and get feelings from inanimate objects.