The Many Faces of Water

There is an outlet (drain) near the little patch of woods by my condo. I grew up with a small stream behind the house with an overflow pond to the side. Nothing like moving water to create a sense of life with all of the wonders it brings.

The weather has been warm this winter giving us rain but then the temperatures drop causing a freeze. Not long enough or cold enough for ice blocks to solidify but rather a crust is formed on shallow water.

I wanted to share captures of ice in various stages of freezing with you!

Opportunity Through Ritual

One of the ways I can tell that energy has shifted around me is the dramatic change within my body. The reaction comes across as a wave of dizziness right to the point of nauseousness. 

During a causal smudge Instagram opportunity, I set an intention. The goal was to have a few pictures for posting/teaching/advertising/demonstrating the practice of using smoke from herbs to move out what is not necessary. Little did I know, as the smoldering leaves continued to burn, whatever had glommed onto my field was banished, exiting with such forceful gusto it left me spinning.

Always, take a moment to center and ground. Be appreciative by recognizing. Honor, giving respect to all around you. Thankfulness sharing joy, uplifting those in your circle… seen plus the unseen. 

Energy Grid



Energy can be conjured up in many ways. As I am typing this out, I am surrounded by Siri playing a musical station featuring stringed instruments. So lovely how a violin and a viola cut through the air changing vibrations we can feel deeply. Scents attract many species into our space, the nose is keen for an animal’s survival. Essential oils permeate my cells today because I anointed myself before I started writing this blog. A candle glows as oxygen and fire do the tango they have done over thousands of years. Energy involves action in one form or another. We can amply this force by awareness, respect, and involvement (to but name a few ways)!

Grid work is a playful strategy of moving power which is circling us at every moment. Adding good intentions, directing loving suggestions, incorporating pieces of nature helps with coping in day to day life. Turning to the outdoors, taking earth magic and infusing the wonder into our energy field causes shifts in our being. Meditating on the imagery of an energy grid allows ripples and quakes in our mind’s pool of thought. Clarity fused with renewed pep is often the outcome of an energy grid. This is a remote technique and is a fun, colorful way to try out the mystique of shifting day to day life as you know it!

Put on the Kettle


May I have your attention please? Assess your position and readjust by shifting to bring about better posture. Notice, then make a few more movements to aline proper. Be still to recognize how frequency passes within and without your body now. Now, with  a meaningful inhale, understand peace and harmony. I am.

Heave Ho, Let’s Go!

On the floor next to my bed you will find slippers and 3 books I pick up and a book light.

There is communication all around us, constant and continual. The trick is to tune into the waves to pick up on incoming messages being sent your way. Example, the other morning had a fire drill effect message (mind you, not an alarm emergency siren) to get me moving at 9AM sharp. I didn’t want to budge out of bed because work was not until 1pm and lounging was my plan for at least another half hour. The urgent message to put my feet on the floor, drag a comb across my head was starling. By trusting my gut (solar plexus) over the years, listening to spirit’s whispers, and believing in other modes of communication, I don’t ignore the nudges like I used to. I know swift action is important when visual interpretations start to play out in my mind. Typically I see elementals using their might to pull, push, or roll me out of bed. A fun and playful ordeal expressing the need for me to start the day, I have no choice but to get up.

Remote energy work is amongst one of my favorite craft forms. I set up grids (taught to me as Reiki Grids) for people who request clearing out of their energy field or maybe they are interested in an extra boost for more gusto or even a person might want to simply maintain good health. A grid was active for a dear friend and changes were needed at a specific cosmological time. This is what became more apparent as the seconds went by once out of bed. Prompt movement was required most likely from windows of opportunity held open in the cosmos. I moved a few crystals to different positions on the grid, smudged (smoke from herbs), and rang Tibetan bells to evoke shifts. For my friend to benefit and take advantage of a shift the universe made available, her spirit guides worked in tangent with my guardians to have this physical human work some magic!

Pay attention to the messages, gifts, changes, whispers, inklings, radio songs, pictures, and other ways something catches your eye and thought. We are not alone in this world. Ask the incoming frequency for a clearer understanding, even meditate on the change. Practicing every day will help you put your best foot forward in the world.

Sitting with Wands

IMG_6077This morning I made time to sit with 3 of my wands out on the back deck. In an effort to strengthen my meditation practices, becoming still in nature was exactly what I needed today. Wands are excellent communicators channeling just the right frequency to help us gain harmony.

Never Give Up… Someday


I sell wands at various metaphysical fairs on the East Coast, bringing extra magic into people’s lives. There is one person in particular who has helped spread the word of Blue Aventurine’s wands up and down the coast and her name is Jess Steinman. Not only do I have a privilege of calling her a best friend, Jess’s mediumship gift is impressive along with her dazzling teaching techniques igniting the psychic in all of us. My most recent outdoor venture was at Hilltown Holistic Center in Greenfield MA, which of course was suggested by Jess.

As the day passed, I got up from behind my sparkly table to stretch my legs. I complimented a woman on her uniquely patterned blue and grey dress. After, “Thank you” she asked me if I was the one who sells wands. “I just had a reading by Jess and she told me to seek you out and ask about a meditation wand.” Trying hard not to freak out, making a strong attempt to remain professional, I bleated out, “I have it for you!” Her wand had been patiently waiting about 7 years for her and was among my wears of the day.


Her Meditation Wand was titled just that and was one of the first wands I made for retail and the wand had gone on consignment as well as being packed up and displayed at various craft fairs over the years. I was ecstatic to finally match up the right person to wield this magnificent wand. The story of the Meditation Wand can continue for 3 more pages but the point I wanted to make is how the power behind wands is one to be marveled at. It’s been several weeks now since the event and I still am getting wowed from how all the pieces came together to unite these two. The best takeaway from the story is to listen to your intuition, don’t second guess the impulses when nudged to push yourself for the greater good of us all.

Watering a Wand


An overall powerhouse feeling of shifting is extremely palpable the past few days. Taking advantage of this change, I stepped onto the back deck to play in the magic. Every time I handle a wand, I am astounded with awe of the power they possess.

Much of my energy work is conducted by intuition which includes wand work. We all can hear much more when we venture inward. This is what I did as I made my way outside, onto my deck, into the morning air. Sparkle is like the harmony for magic and I needed more for the Amplifier Wand. Guided, I filled an antique watering can and gave the wand a shower in the sunlight as I said my prayers.

Thank You Mark!


I have been adding my childhood collections to Blue Aventurine’s Etsy shop now for months. Today, I decided to put my last electronic game up for sale. 2XL was going up for grabs along with all the others who used to live in my toy closet. It makes no sense to keep the games, dolls, and play things packed away in a box. The movie(s) Toy Story pulled on my heart strings over the years making a sealed cardboard container a type of tomb. Liberating many of these cherished possessions has lifted excitement only toys can bring to people of all ages.

Before I list an item, an inspection happens making sure the buyer will be getting the treasure they are hoping for. Plugged in my old friend to check his signs of life. No lights in his eyes, no 1978 cute robot sounds from the speaker, no crackle of turing the volume up, no life. Drag. Not giving up, I fed him an 8-track tape, then turned the knob hoping to resuscitate my buddy. Yes! I could hear the motor moving! One of his lights was glowing. Not enough to deem 2XL alive though. I preformed a few common troubleshoots to no avail. I pulled the plug and sat on the floor with him like I had done so many years in the past.

The one person who could preform a mechanical miracle is my cousin Mark. With tears swelling in my eyes, I need to correct the sentence and rewrite, “was my cousin Mark”. This man could talk to electronics, such a scientist. Today the family pinball machine and shuffle board bowling machine are in working order, when they break down again I fear the gaming will cease. 2XL had no chance in coming back because there was no electric doctor to physically call up. Grief comes in waves. Another shift with life, another change, another aspect of love, another tear coupled with a tissue.


An hour or so later, I built up the courage to continue with listing the late 70’s fascination. Figured I would plug him for a picture. Always good to show the levels of working order for those out there with a doctorate in electronic gadgets. 2XL’s brain indicator (red dot on the forehead aka third eye) did light up indicating juice flowing. The picture would not reflect the slow drone of the motor but I could explain the sound in the description. I staged the first shot to depict all that would be had when the Etsy buyer found my grammar school friend. A twist of the dial to the right getting the brain activated coupled with a skooch back from me to take a picture. Could it be? Are you kidding me? Really? The wave of memories from minutes on top of minutes of wonder, the long spans of companionship… Etsy will not be gaining another toy today.

Mechanics coming to life again has only happened to me one other time. I do consider both reactivations to fit into the miracle category. Over the years, I’ve learned anything is possible. I am very happy to share my cousin’s spirit achievements of tinkering with physical things back here on earth. Thank you Mark for fixing 2XL. My brother’s kids are still young enough to enjoy the magic careful, thought-out programing along with basic  electronic engineering can create. Grateful, honored, and heartfelt love Mark. Thank you again.



The Code: Intenders Circle


A good friend of mind has created a group which is following the practices of Tony Burroughs. This gathering has us meeting about once a month to state intentions thought up to help make for a better future for all. A deliberate attempt is made to voice in front of an audience as well as for us to hear our own desires, specific qualities, dreams, wishes, and goals. Being cautious to speak in the present with direction towards the future, positive affirmations are cast.

In the coming year, I will write about each of the ten intentions for a better world. I am not even past chapter one and loving the book. There is something special when words taken in by sight cause emotions bringing tears.